
DeMartini Method

The Demartini Method is an innovative approach to personal transformation that improves how we think and feel. It uses a series of mental questions to help us shift from negative emotions to positive ones, like presence, certainty, gratitude, and love. These exercises are used strategically to shift the brain's focus from basic functions to higher-level thinking and beyond. Dr. John Demartini, a polymath specialist in human behavior, has spent over 50 years researching and studying various fields like physics, philosophy, psychology, and more to create this phenomenal method. By learning to govern your mind you become a master of your own life, with authenticity.

Life-Coaching and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey with life coaching? By embracing this powerful tool, you can unlock the life-changing effects it offers. It has the ability to completely shift your relationship with uncertainty, empowering you to regain control over your life. With the guidance and support of a skilled coach, you will enhance your overall well-being, enabling a greater sense of optimism and elevating your mindset to new heights. Remember, it all begins with you - your reasons, your desires, and your dreams. By prioritizing your needs and digging deep within yourself, you will uncover the answers that have been waiting to be discovered. Believe in the power of your mind to shape your behaviors, and in turn, transform your world. Through this transformative process, you will not only find fulfillment but also uncover your true purpose in life. So, are you ready to take the first step towards a more empowered and meaningful existence?

NLP, which stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is a highly effective and unique psychological approach that harnesses the power of your personal resources and strengths to facilitate transformation in your thoughts, language, and behaviors. By leveraging the principles and techniques of NLP, you have the incredible opportunity to elevate your optimism, shift your expectations, and make profound changes in your behaviors. This transformative process empowers you to take control of your actions and unleash your true potential, allowing you to become unstoppable in pursuing your goals and aspirations. Through NLP, you can tap into the limitless possibilities within yourself and create a life of fulfillment, success, and happiness.


Japanese technique for stress reduction, healing, and relaxation. Administered by "laying on hands" to harness "life force energy." Low energy = sickness/stress, high energy = happiness/health. "Rei" means "God's wisdom/higher power" and "Ki" means "life force energy." Treatment feels like glowing radiance, benefits body, emotions, mind, and spirit. Considered simple, natural, and safe for healing and self-improvement. Works alongside medical/therapeutic techniques.

Havening techniques®

I am a highly skilled and fully certified Havening Techniques® Practitioner with extensive expertise in the transformative field of psychosensory therapy. Utilizing a combination of gentle touch and powerful intention, Havening has revolutionized the way we address and heal stored negative emotions and traumas within the depths of the brain. This innovative therapy not only provides relief from emotional difficulties, phobias, and physical pain, but also instills a remarkable sense of tranquility and self-awareness within each individual who undergoes the Havening process. By embarking on this journey, you will unlock the immense potential within yourself to overcome the obstacles that have held you back and embrace a future filled with resilience and empowerment.


Experience the incredible benefits of hypnotherapy, a powerful modality that can bring about transformative results for your well-being. Through our gentle guidance, you will embark on a journey that takes you to a deeper level of relaxation, enabling you to let go of stress and tension that might have been holding you back. As you delve into this beautiful combination, you will discover a sense of inner peace and tranquility that radiates throughout your entire being, leaving you feeling revitalized and ready to face the challenges of the world with renewed energy. Whether you are seeking to release negative patterns, overcome fears, or simply enhance your overall wellness, hypnotherapy can provide the tools and support you need to achieve profound personal growth. Allow yourself the opportunity to tap into the limitless potential within you, and unlock a state of relaxation and wellness that goes beyond what you may have imagined.

End-of-life Doula

This is by supporting you and your family during this important transition of you leaving your physical life. As an End-of-life Doula, I provide practical, emotional, and spiritual care when you are nearing the end of your life due to age or a life-limiting illness. I will help you to make informed decisions and prepare to for your death, while also maximizing your remaining time. I provide holistic care, considerate to your practical, emotional, cultural, and social needs. I work alongside the healthcare team and other professionals, focusing on your needs and the needs of your family. I offer assistance with coordination of care and provide vigil care during your final days of life. My goal is to ease the stress on you and your family, allowing time to focus on creating meaningful memories. My passion is to support you when you are receiving palliative care or if you chose to have an assisted death to enable your family to care for you at home, if desired. A well-prepared death can help your loved ones have a smoother grieving process.