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I’ve been at it again, read my latest blog ‘My Nerdy Brain!’
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Chaos in Cairo

My Nerdy Brain
Trying to understand how my brain works is mind-blowing stuff!

It’s Ok not to be Ok
We can be our own greatest cheerleaders but sadly our own worst critics. Let’s talk PND!

A Mother is Born
The day I rang my younger sister in England to tell her I was pregnant, she said “Err? you don’t like kids!”

Timeless Pain
Shamefully that handover, there was one allocated patient, that made my heart sink.

Rural Muster
Her pupils dilated and she said, ‘Oh my god’.

Camp Mother
I became ‘Camp Mother’ so to speak!

Toxic Flu
You came to see me that day, for a completely different reason, you told me you had the ‘flu’.